4-Class Series with Leigh Wunce N.C. starts THIS Saturday, April 6, and continues April 20, May 4 and May 18, 2019
Time: 10:30am – 12pm
Where: Grey Bears Classroom (behind main office), 2710 Chanticleer Ave, Santa Cruz
Cost: $35 for all four classes, or $10 per class drop-in.
April 6 – Your Body Wisdom
Our bodies speak with symptoms not words. Your inner awareness holds the force to create well-being. Join me in exploring how to tap into your unique blueprint with a variety of tools. The Chinese organ meridians can reveal blockages that impact our emotional, spiritual and physical well-being. Leigh will demonstrate how kinesiology can be used to find and support any imbalance.
April 20 – Numerology
Pythagoras, a mystic and philosopher believed all things are numbers. We will explore how just your birth date carries a vibration for your life purpose and the qualities of your emotional being.
May 4 – Astrology
Your life story is set to the Cosmic Dance. We will approach astrology in a simple way to show how powerfully the planetary movements relate to your every day well-being.
May 18 – Stress Reduction
Our thoughts create our reality. In this class we will learn how homeopathy, affirmations and the right supplements can bring balance in times chaos in our lives.
For more information and to register contact: LeighWunce@sbcglobal.net, 831.425.7760

Finding Your Best Health at Every Age
Leigh Wunce is a medical intuitive and certified nutritionist who works with kinesiology and the human energy systems to promote heart-mind healing at a core level. Practicing in Santa Cruz and Los Gatos for 26 years, Leigh has been passionate about teaching the art of soul healing utilizing astrology and numerology. She has taught many classes and lectured extensively as well as doing numerous radio interviews. For the last eight years Leigh has conducted readings and lectures at the former Way of Life store in Capitola, and offered monthly classes at Gateways for 5 years prior to its closing. Visit yourbodywisdom.com to learn more.